Travel through the valley of the shadow of death

I dedicate this article to all the people who have lost a beloved one and who have major difficulties in coping with death and loss.
« Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me. Your rod and your staff, they comfort me. » Psalm 23:4
Sometimes God seems to guide us on a painful path. A path we’d rather avoid if we could.
I have no idea why we have to travel through the valley of the shadow of death, so don’t expect me to give you an explanation for God’s hidden plans.
During our life we go through stages of light and joy, pain and suffering.
When we look back at our past, each of the experiences we went through seemed necessary to our spiritual growth.
The dark trip through the valley of the shadow of death is painful. It leaves our hearts bleeding.
It is always hard to deal with the death of a beloved person, no matter how old we are or how many persons of our entourage we have already lost.
The most hurtful is to realize that our friend, relative or whoever it is, will never be there again. We look at an empty chair and the more we look at it, a sharp sword penetrates our heart.
Tears. Desperation. Times of darkness and loneliness. Silence. God’s silence and the death of our certainties.
Deep thoughts and the quest for an answer.
I remember a German penpal sending me a card saying : « Muss es denn immer zappenduster werden, damit uns ein Licht aufgeht? »
« Does it always have to become so dark for us to see the light? »
Well…maybe that’s the point…dark times might be necessary for us to envision and to appreciate the light better.
I don’t claim to have all answers. Like all of you, I am trying to find some.
May this text heal some of you and help you in your quests.