Michigan emcee The Disciple: deep, spiritual, political and realistic

The Disciple aka Kevin Sheridan is an emcee who hails from Deaborn Heights, Michigan. His music has some real criticism of the contemporary society to offer to the listener.
Kevin Sheridan was born in 1981.
What motivates Kevin Sheridan aka The Disciple to write his music?
« My reason for music and life in general, is to impact society and the world in a positive way in the short time that I have on this earth. Many thing fuel my creative process, including, poverty in America, America in general, the high cost of colllege tuition, economic slavery, the lack of some sort of medical aid for all the people of not only America, but the world. I am against racism, police brutality, racial discrimination. »
(Kevin Sheridan)
It is quite clear that The Disciple has something to say and that he goes deep into social and political subjects.
The Disciple feels close to the underprivileged of this world. Hide My Feelings is dedicated to all the people who are going through hard times and who feel depressed. Very well handled lyrically, the song is really worth your interest. Soft keyboard sounds and rhythmic beats combined with the Disciple’s deep and sensitive voice give this track a very nostalgic note. Wind driven tears drop in form of notes like Autumn rain while the Disciple pours a heart full of insecurities and loneliness consumed by a permanent sorrow. This beautiful song expresses the pain of a man in spiritual search who is trying to escape from a hopeless world.
The Disciple also offers some real criticism about America and the American government’s politics and some real insight about the society in which we live in.
His influences
Artists who have influenced the Disciple: NWA, Ice Cube, Eminem, the Beatles and many more…
The Disciple’s debut album The Life Journey Of A Man is due to release in early 2006.
Hopefully I increased your curiosity about the Disciple. Check him out here.