The final countdown

Dedicated to my readership
Less than a week left until I leave for London City!
I am very busy right now, so those of you who are regularly in touch with me shouldn’t be surprised if I don’t reply to their emails as fast as I usually do. Between the reeducation hours for my back, domestic and administrative tasks and other little things to handle, my free time is quite limited at the moment.
However, I am excited to live in a big town such as London very soon. Also, I am happy to be able to grab bigger opportunities. I’m leaving with a positive mind and spirit.
Some people have asked me if I left my place with regrets.
My answer is : I won’t look back and I don’t regret anything.
I have very little to lose considering the economical and political situation in France right now.
Many people have told me that I was courageous to go to a country I didn’t know at all and to start an new life there.
Let me tell you what. I don’t feel like I am particularly courageous. I consider that you sometimes have to see where your priorities lie and make some sacrifices if needed.
Sometimes, you have to make decisions in the right direction at the right moment. That’s exactly what I am doing. I want to give myself more chances to succeed and if a little dose of courage is required for that, well then I gotta grab it with no hesitation and go forward.
The fear of breaking habits is something that prevents people from making some real progress in their lives. If you have to make some efforts to adapt to a different life style, then do it! It is that simple!
Why mentally jail yourself with habits that won’t help you to go further?
You don’t need to be courageous for that purpose, all you need is an open minded spirit. For the remaining questions and uncertainties, I’ll raise my hands to the sky like DMX and ask God for directions.
Ok let me go straight to the point: my places like blogit, The Eminem Blog and my space might take a little pause in August until I get settled in London with my sons. I don’t know when I will able to write again on a regular basis. However, I want you to know that it will just be a pause. I have a great passion for writing and for the music. Be sure I will keep writing for you all.
Please keep visiting me, even in my absence. I will keep you updated with life in London as soon as I can.
P.S: I’d be more than happy for any kind of advices regarding British hip hop magazines and about anything hip hop in the UK. Thank you so much.
Copyright © 2006 by Isabelle Esling
All Rights Reserved

6 thoughts on “The final countdown”

  1. Isa,
    I wish you a safe and happy move. Your right, you have to take chances in life…it either makes you or breaks you…but, it’s going to make you. You have the courage and strength…you will suceed at anything, including your dream…it’s going to happen. You have a lot of talent withtin you…don’t ever stop… you will make it.
    I will continue to visit your places…I know you will be back. Talk with you soon. Please e-mail me back… when you get settled in…with the move you don’t need any extra distractions. Take care and best of luck…much love!!!

  2. Props to you for living your dream! Summer is always a good time to make a move w/kids. Be safe. Take care. Remember to breathe!

  3. Omg that’s great to hear! I’m sure you will have fun in London, it’s good for me!

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