Fullklipp/ I Smell Pussy/ Strike diss

Rating: 3.75 stars
8 Mile viewers will probably remember the emcee who first battled B Rabbit in the final part of 8 Mile. His stage name in 8 Mile was Lickety Split. On the Detroit scene, this artist is better known as Strike, because this is his real stage name.
You might have appreciated Lickety Split’s performance in 8 Mile, but the rapper known as Strike is pretty much hated in Detroit.
You might be curious to know why. What would you think of a man who comes to your house and steals your money?
I experienced a similar situation and I think that I will never forgive the persons who stole my money a few years ago, even if it was a small amount compared to the 3250 dollars that disappeared from the CEO of Detroit group Fullklipp, P.A.C.E’s house.
Dark keyboard sounds and rhythmic introduce the song. P.A.C.E spits his rage against the traitor who stole the money from his brother.
Yea, you heard it well: P.A.C.E called him a brother. P.A.C.E and Strike are both Muslims and it is always bad to see such things happen between people from the same community of believers.
His actions qualify Strike as a coward. The chorus ironically points it out : « I smell pussy, I smell bitch ». Gunshots in the background will make you feel the overheated atmosphere.
P.A.C.E has a real nice flow delivery. The track is offensive on purpose and well handled from the beginning to the end.