What the “fack”, Marshall?

I have just finished listening to two new Eminem songs from Curtain Call that have been leaked on the net and I am afraid I will have to write a very critical article about both songs and the intro to Eminem’s Best Of. To those who would be tempted to get mad at me: no, I am not hating on Eminem! This is something I will never do. However, like I expressed it before, being a huge fan of his doesn’t mean that I have to be what some of you call -without any elegance- a « dickrider » .
I have always allowed myself a part of criticism towards Eminem’s music when I wasn’t satisfied with some of his tracks. Although this barely happens to me, I have been really disappointed by songs like Ass Like That and Marshall’s most recent songs are much more of a great disappointment, as far as I am concerned.
Fans who have followed Eminem since the beginning will probably understand what I am talking about. When you have tasted songs like Infinite or The Way I Am, you have the right to be disguted when songs like « Fack » and « Shake That » meet your ears with their weak ass beats and poor lyrics. I’m sorry, Marshall, this isn’t really what I expected from a brilliant artist like you!
A man who is capable of writing moving songs with good lyrics like When I’m Gone is also able to offer something else than some stupid « Shake That Ass » party rap.
The most disgusting is the introduction to Curtain Call. I am slowly getting tired of Eminem’s puerile eructation and other childish crap in a My First Single style, because this doesn’t correspond to the real him. Who does he want to please with such demonstrations? 10 year old fans who have no idea about what hip hop is? Honestly, are you trying to scare real hip hop fans away, Marshall?
Fack is one of those horrible weak ass songs that have tortured my ears for a few minutes. I couldn’t believe that Eminem’s music was taking that puerile direction!
The chorus starts with a melody that is intentioned to be entertaining accompanied by Eminem’s very childish voice saying :
ouch ouch……ouch ouch
(oh god damn)
im gonna fucking cum
(ohhh shit) (moans)
fack fack fa–ack
(fack i am)
i am….im going to cum… »

You can hear some claps in the background. Lyrically and instrumentally: a disaster! The jerking off song is pitiful- and not funny at all.
I usually happen to enjoy Eminem’s collaborations with Nate Dogg. Never Enough from the Encore album was well handled. Unfortunately, Shake That is another musical disaster. Why? First, because Eminem doesn’t fit into the party rapper role- at all. Second, the lyrics and the instrumentals are weak and not really worth the listener’s interest.
What the “fack”, Marshall? If your music is taking this specific direction, then I think we have a problem. As the huge fan I actually am, I have always enjoyed your instrumentals, beats, flow and above all, the brilliant lyrics you wrote. I have always admired the lyrical genius you actually are. I have loved the humor and your darker side expressed in your music.
However, I really hate it when you feel the need to act like a clown in order to please a younger audience. Any average rapper could have beaten the weak ass songs you just produced.
Marshall, I will always respect you, because nobody else was as inspirational as you in my life. You music has brought so many positive elements and that’s why I intend to always support you.
If you feel like you need a good break, please take it. But when you will make some new songs next time, please consider that your fans deserve better than Fack and Shake That.

31 thoughts on “What the “fack”, Marshall?”

  1. I kinda feel the same,
    ist all started when eminem did “Just lose it” with Paris hilton in the video. fOR I COULDN’T STand Paris, my favourite artist em did’nt even diss her in the song or /and the video really, which would be at stake.
    Then you said it already, I also weren’t into the song : Ass like that.
    I always said to myself, when em will have chicks in his videos, like it started in the “Without me video”, then he is like all the otehr average rappers, and has alomost nothing distinctive.

  2. Tu sais, je pense exactement la même chose que toi. Lorsque j’ai écouté ces deux nouvelles chansons il y a deux jours à peine, je n’en croyais pas mes oreilles! J’espérais tellement qu’Eminem nous offre, à nous ses fans, trois chansons remplies de sens, d’émotions et de réflexions avant son départ. Et au lieu de cela, il nous balance à la figure “FACK” et “Shake That”, une chanson où, il faut l’admettre, Nate Dogg chante 80% du temps (amenant ainsi à penser que “Shake That” est une chanson de Nate Dogg feat. Eminem et non l’inverse).
    “FACK” semble avoir été écrit par Eminem en moins de cinq minutes. Et oui, je l’avoue, j’ai senti en moi une grande déception et même de la colère en écoutant les premières notes de cette chanson. Je me suis dit “Non, c’est pas vrai! Il recommence de nouveau sa période “Encore” où pipi, caca, anus sont présents”. On dirait un enfant en pleine phase anale! Et ces “burps” glissés ici et là… non mais qu’est-ce qui lui passe par la tête???!!!
    “FACK” est fortement inspiré d’un épisode de “South Park” où l’un des personnages se glisse un tube dans l’anus afin d’y introduire un rongeur! On sait qu’Eminem est un fan de cette émission et qu’il s’en était déjà inspiré auparavant pour composer la chanson “The Kids” sur la version censurée du “Marshall Mathers LP”. Ce que “The Kids” a réussi au niveau de l’humour, du talent et de la réalisation, “FACK” échoue durement ici.
    Je suis une très grande fan d’Eminem. Je collectionne toutes ces apparitions télévisuelles dans le monde, ses entrevues audios et vidéos, ses chansons inédites, et tous ses freestyles, ses albums, etc. Il a toujours été une source d’inspiration pour moi. Mais après avoir atteint le sommet de son talent et de sa gloire en 2002 (Lose Yourself, Oscar, The Eminem Show, 8 Mile), son art a peu à peu changé pour laisser place à des chansons moins inspirées. Je sais pertinemment qu’avec des chansons telles que “Shake That” ou “Ass like That”, Eminem se moque des rappeurs qui consacrent la majeure partie de leur carrière à parler de “bitches” ou à lancer des “club songs”. Il avait déjà débuté ce genre d’humour avec “Bitch” sur D12 World, mais j’en ai franchement assez de tout cela! Quand “When I’m Gone” fut lancé sur le net, même si la chanson relatait une fois de plus l’éternel sujet du drame familial (du moins en partie), un espoir de voir Eminem reprendre les rennes de sa carrière s’est éveillé en moi. Je me suis alors dit que les deux autres chansons du “Greatest Hits” allaient sans doute exprimer des sentiments profonds, la mort des autres personnalités de Marshall Mathers, les prémisses d’une nouvelle direction musicalement parlant, mais non…
    Qu’il ose placer “FACK” après son “Curtain Call Intro” pour en faire la première chanson de son album me dépasse! Je vous jure que si j’étais une amie proche d’Eminem, ou sa copine, je lui dirais franchement ce que j’en pense au risque de recevoir les foudres de sa colère. Je ne peux comprendre les raisons pour lesquelles Dr. Dre à accepter ces nouvelles chansons de la part de son protégé. Ce même protégé qui nous a donné “Stan”, “The Way I Am” et j’en passe.
    Que ces nouvelles chansons soient rendues “publiques” dès le 6 décembre prochain me chagrine beaucoup. Je crois que notre bon vieux Marshall n’a plus vraiment d’inspiration à présent. Lui, qui auparavant avait une expérience de vie très riche et troublante, est devenu une superstar qui ne sort pratiquement plus de sa gigantesque maison. Contrairement à d’autres vedettes qui continuent de vivre, de sortir dans les rues (du moins, dans la mesure du possible), Eminem reste la majeure partie de son temps caché, surprotégé par 4 ou 5 gardes du corps à chacun de ses moindres déplacements. Il croit qu’il lui est impossible de vivre une vie normale, de rencontrer une autre femme qui saura l’aimer pour ce qu’il est… Il se sent piégé alors que d’autres vedettes, malgré leur impitoyable métier, ne se privent pas de sortir et de vivre de nouvelles histoires d’amour. Entre les quatre murs de sa cage dorée, les seules personnes qu’il fréquente sont désormais ses amis, les gens qui s’occupent de sa carrière, Kim, Hailie, Lanie, Nathan… Et puisqu’il ne voit plus qu’eux, c’est d’eux qu’il s’inspire désormais pour écrire. Ce qui explique peut-être le fait que plusieurs de ses fans n’en peuvent plus de ces chansons où il parle de Kim et de leur fille. Mais que peut-il parler d’autres maintenant? Puisque ce n’est qu’avec eux qu’il passe la majeure partie de son temps? Eminem ne vit plus une vie normale. Il vit plutôt dans une espèce de bulle qui est en train de le ronger intérieurement.
    En ce sens, je crois qu’il a besoin d’une pause. Il a besoin de s’éloigner de son vedetteriat pour un temps, question de reprendre sa vie en main, de se faire oublier un peu du grand public, ce qui lui permettra de vivre un peu plus normalement et peut-être même de se risquer à sortir de son territoire surprotégé. Et de là reviendra, j’en suis certaine, son inspiration. Un artiste a besoin de vivre sa vie le plus normalement possible, de rester près de la réalité des gens pour écrire et les toucher. Et je crois fermement qu’Eminem fait bien de se retirer. J’espère qu’il profitera de son congé pour reprendre contact avec la réalité, cette réalité que nous vivons chaque jour et qu’il lui a été enlevée. J’espère qu’il rencontrera d’autres gens, qu’il s’ouvrira vers d’autres horizons que ceux de sa grande maison située quelque part dans un quartier riche du Michigan et qu’il retrouvera son inspiration. Car cet enfermement, cette surprotection, cette peur de s’ouvrir à de nouvelles personnes et à de nouveaux espaces finiront, j’en suis certaine, par l’aliéner. Eminem, l’artiste qu’il était encore il y a deux ans à peine, me manque énormément, mais je dirais que Marshall Mathers, l’homme véritable qui se promenait dans les rues de Détroit, me manque encore plus puisque c’est le regard de Marshall Mathers sur la vie qui a donné voix et cris à Eminem et Slim Shady. Sans Marshall, ces personnalités se retrouvent sans vie et surtout sans discours…

  3. Merci pour ton commentaire très perspicace. Moi aussi, je suis d’avis qu’il a vraiment besoin d’une bonne pause, c même vital pour sa créativité…j’ai été également très en colère quand g entendu ces deux chansons fort merdiques!

  4. Isabelle,
    You go girl! Speak your mind and say what you feel.
    I feel like that on some of his songs all the way back to when he first started.
    I guess it is just how he is feeling at that time in his life. Maybe he was just feeling like a jackass when he wrote that.
    Who knows? I just hope “Curtian Call” is the best of his mind and not the best of his groupies.
    I guess everyone has a diffrent Marshall that they like. I like the one that makes me laugh my ass off and the one that makes me cry.
    Not the one that makes me think what kind of shit was he on when he wrote that crap.
    But I will always but his CD’s because he brings me closed to my sisters.

  5. Isabelle,
    You go girl! Speak your mind and say what you feel.
    I feel like that on some of his songs all the way back to when he first started.
    I guess it is just how he is feeling at that time in his life. Maybe he was just feeling like a jackass when he wrote that.
    Who knows? I just hope “Curtian Call” is the best of his mind and not the best of his groupies.
    I guess everyone has a diffrent Marshall that they like. I like the one that makes me laugh my ass off and the one that makes me cry.
    Not the one that makes me think what kind of shit was he on when he wrote that crap.
    But I will always buy his CD’s because he brings me closer to my sisters.

  6. moi perso je trouve excellent de mettre un chanson comme fack dans un best of (très commercial) qui doit le faire royalement chi66 de faire….une chanson jackass un chanson faux club banger (il n’en a jamais faite) une chanson dans qui pleure dans les chaumière du niveau de ses 2 single(the way i’m , stan , cleaning…..)
    Il fait une revolte passive …….et il doit bien se marrer de voir les gens prendre autant de temps pour l’incendier sur le net……
    il est le seul à pouvoir faire ça …..

  7. Moi je les trouve bien parce ke c du vrai Slim Shady. C vrai que le rot de lintro est vraiment débile mais à part sa je ne suis pas dacc avc toi. Je trouve au contraire que Fack est plus intéressante qu’Ass Like That parce ke bcp plus ironique.

  8. I’m sorry for my French readers, but i will have to comment in English for the great majority of my readers to understand what I am talking about…
    Well, to those who think this is a diss towards Eminem, you are totally wrong…this is called criticism. I am very supportive towards Eminem, but when the music is bad, it is bad even when your name is Eminem…i don’t like both songs, because the lyrics and the music are whack…particularly whack coming from a lyrical genius like Eminem.
    I’m cool with those who like the songs, but let me tell you all: to me it is quite clear that Marshall Mathers needs and deserves a break…a break that will allow him to spend more time with Hailie and to chill. I think it will allow him to come back with more creativity. However, the sneak preview of the When I’m Gone video looks really interesting…this song makes a real difference, because it is well written and the music is great too…
    Ok, those are my 2 cents…catch ya all later and thanks for reading and commenting:)

  9. Isa, you are an honest writer telling it like you feel. You have no reason to apologize to people for what you really feel.
    I will always know what a true fan you are of EM.
    I agree with you that he needs to take a break, and it is showing in those songs.

  10. Yea, Lee Harper, you got it: I will always stay a true fan of his…i really think he needs a break…he seems overworked and tired…i am worried for him…

  11. Hi, this is David, EM follower since “My name is”. I’m from Argentina.
    I totally agree with you. So, EM needs some oxigen, been away from charts, tours and shit?
    I think he give us all from his person, now he can find some peace and came back in 2/3 years…
    See you guys later and greentings from Patagonia Argentina (as far as EM goes with his music!)

  12. Ill straight out say it. After 8 mile, it just started going down hill. I mean his mixtape circuit is HOT. I mean im sure you all have heard the diss tracks, the collaborations, and some of his more recent on the biggie album and the song with trick trick. Its not that hes over worked. I mean, he can do it. Why is he just fucking around so much. Ass like that..shit…My first single..shit…rainman…shit…FACK…shit…shake that…shit…
    Ive listened to every freestyle, track, mixtape, and collab he’s ever done..so maybe im just expecting him to be…i dont know…GOOD!..soldier…good….superman…good…kill you..good…drugs really got a hold of me…good… open mic…good…matter of fact, those were excellent…
    As you can tell im definately an em fan but this shit is getting rediculous. Im tempted to not even buy this shit because i know thats all its gonna be is shit. Encore should have been the bonus cd along with toy soldiers, yellow brick road, haileys song, spend some time, mosh, and maybe even puke…god dam… Well i guess he’s done being good…
    i used to think that em would spit circles around me in a freestyle , now i think hed just go to rehad and whine about his child…..
    I mean common, his daughter is sad cause hes not home..not to sound heartless but you either leave her home and deal with the same problems or take her with you and stop worrying about how she’ll deal with it cuz either way your fucked on the situation so pick one….or….
    retire and stop flushing your rep down the drain…well then again you already did that..
    just a disappointed em listener..detroit..whatever..
    I guess the white community just lost its little bit of pride it had in the rap game lol…
    – d~wreckz

  13. D Wreckz, I like the moving dimension he introduces into his songs when he talks about his daughter…i don’t feel it like whining, but like speaking his mind about how he feels…and i think Eminem feels like he is the prisoner of the show business…he always feels like he owes something to his fans and i think he suffers from the situation…some ppl of his entourage, i don’t mean friends but ppl from his label put a lot of pressure on his shoulders…i will always remember how those stupid security guards talked about Marshall like a “product that was worth a lot of dough”…he is only human, he is tired and he needs to say no to all those ppl. Fuck the concerts, fuck touring fuck evth…he needs to take some rest…i hope he will take his break…for his own sake.

  14. Isa, I wonder if Marshall’s rehab sessions left him open to so much. He has never really lived a happy live. Obviously, by his music, he has never really dealt w/his problems. It is sad but it fuels his music and produces his works of wonder,sadness and even his latest music. He has opened a can of worms that he has been hiding (behind his music) from. His relationships w/all the women(past and present) in his life are not good at all. He needs to deal w/the demons in his life. Probally, the reason he hasn’t is because it is the fuel to the fire he creates..
    He is older now and obviously maturing and sees he needs to deal.
    Of course, we will never now for sure what he is feeling inside.

  15. All i can say is that he makes me feel (through his music) that he might not feel so good inside right now…i think you are right…there are so many problems Marshall has kept bottled inside and that need to be solved in his life…i hope he will manage to find a peace of mind, he really deserves it:)

  16. Ok, I just read and heard the two new tracks and all I can say is they made me laugh but they suck.
    He does sound like a kid in junior high school not a 33 year old adult with a child and a promising career.
    I am hoping they are a joke and he is not really going to waste my money that I paid for Curtain Call and put those two songs on there.

  17. I have not listened to either of the songs in question, I plan on waiting until the CD comes out, but all I can say is that I don’t want him to retire.
    And just because Eminem he apparently is not recording his usual dark, shady music doesn’t mean it sucks. I’m not trying to judge the music because I haven’t heard the songs.
    And how can a song suck and be hilarious at the same time?
    Judging from what the commenters say, maybe he does need a break, but he doesn’t need to retire if he isn’t ready. Just because he puts out a couple songs the majority of people don’t like doesn’t mean he has to leave the industry forever.

  18. First of all, I have always liked Eminem’s sense of humor. However, both songs are lyrically poor- and not funny at all.
    Nobody said Eminem had to quit the music industry for ever. It is quite obvious that he needs a break right now.
    The decision is up to him, but, sincerely, as much as i love his music, i’d prefer him to leave for good than producing crap such as “Fack”.

  19. Eminem is the most inspirational artist I have EVER heard.
    I am a HUGE Em fan, and I also have heard EVERY track, collab, mix, beef, and hit record he’s put out and available on the net; And even I was disappointed with ‘FACK’, ‘Shake That’, and also ‘Dead Wrong’ featuring B.I.G. But then again those Biggie lyrics are over ten years old, but the beat is fucked anyways.
    I think most of you are right when you say he needs a break and just chill for a while, but you guys gotta keep in mind that he’s ALWAYS busy working on producing his crew’s projects, thus leaving him with little if any at all- time to write for himself.
    I think when he first came out, he was writing from the heart, obviously to get out and get known. But now, it’s like he just doesnt care.
    He’s putting less time into his work and it shows. And that should be something that Paul has to point out to him.
    As for the Bonus disc on Encore, I also think ‘Monkey See Monkey Do’ should have been on there.
    And he should have had ‘Evil Deeds’ as his first single.
    And it was ABOUT time he put out ‘Love You More’, which he wrote about 3 years ago.
    I happen to get a hold of the track a few years ago myself, and he had originally called it “Kim2” but then decided to rename it to ‘Love You More’, due to all the negative feedback that ‘Kim’ had recieved.
    Peace out ya’ll.

  20. Ross, I first heard “I Love You More” in 2003 or so…this is a real good and touching track…
    *I think when he first came out, he was writing from the heart, obviously to get out and get known. But now, it’s like he just doesnt care.*
    I partially agree and disagree…some of his songs and videos like When I’m Gone are still well made…but it is quite obvious that he put less work in some of his songs like Fack. Fack is a disaster as far as i am concerned and probably the worst song he has ever written…

  21. My top 3 favorite songs Marshall has ever written are: (In no particular order)
    – Rock Bottom From: The Slim Shady LP
    – Love You More From: Encore (Bonus CD)
    – Sing For The Moment From: The Eminem Show

  22. Ross,
    that’s funny, Rock Bottom is my favorite song from the Slim Shady LP…
    my fave song of all Eminem songs is the 8 Mile song…

  23. Eminem is so brilliant, FACK and Shake That are the best songs. What the FACK!! are you Crazy? It’s just because you don’t like a little laugh.

  24. Hunt, seriously if you think those are Eminem’s best songs, you haven’t probably listened to real good Eminem songs…who told you that I didn’t like a little laugh? I have a pretty good sense of humor, you’d better not worry about that…I said that i didn’t find Fack funny…doesn’t mean that i don’t like laughing my ass off…The lyrics to those songs are poor and the subject is rather boring unlike many Eminem songs.

  25. yeah, eminem has lost it. i agree with isabelle, i think who wrote it. eminem is a lyrical genius, but i’d rather have him retire than to keep producing shit like fack.
    20 years from now when he has retired, people will be using fack as the song to compare other horrible songs too.

  26. Yea, D, i wrote the article. I am a huge Eminem fan…i have always admired his lyrical ability…anybody who has gone i depth with Em’s work perfectly knows that songs like Fack are not representative of what he can do lol

  27. i just got this album and was thinking the same thing! you took the words out of my mouth. i feel like i wasted my money buying curtain call.

  28. Jason, despite the fact i am a real huge Eminem fan, I did not buy Curtain Call…and yea, I agree about the lyrics…they are weak particularly when you know what Eminem can do as a lyricist…

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